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FREEDOM FIGHTERS OR FAME HUNTERS? - By Ikechukwu Biafra [05/09/22]


Ikechukwu Biafra - 05/09/22

CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA kèrè Èlúigwė na’Álá, what is these low-lives trying to turn this movement into for goodness sake?🤦🏽‍♂️

This is not the teachings and mentality Mazi Nnamdi Kanu taught and built in us. Mba! Never! 😑

Just imagine that MNK was dressing the same way Ralph Uwazuruike dresses, buy the same chair and interior deco Uwazuruike uses and try to do like him. Just close your eyes and imagine that. If you have found that absolutely weird and classless, then take a look at this picture attached to this write up. Chai úwá léé!🙆🏻‍♂️ Tufiakwaa! This is practical example of envy, jealous and inferiority complex. I feel so ashamed for ever calling classless pigs like this ‘comrade.’ Comrade nkea gbákwá ókú! Pathetic!🤢

Now we definitely need substantial ‘atonement’ to CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA to forgive us for these sins of jealous and envy some corrupted minds among us have brought into this devine project. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Woe be unto me if I leave the main area of battle with an enemy and allow the envy of what I saw in his/her garden to over shadow the main points or reasons of tackling him/her. No witchcraft is more deadlier and dangerous than uncontrollably jealous and envy, these are highly hazardous tools of self-harm. It destroys mighty men and turn the ‘respected’ to ‘dejected.’ This character and it seeds should never be allowed to enter Biafra to avoid ‘foundational pollution.’ Even God Almighty frown at envy, jealous, backbiting as well as false witness.

How on earth can one explain that this dr•g add!ct charlatan is even still allowed, up till today, to continue desecrating Radio Biafra our hallowed place of worship, where truth is served undiluted with wither than white and whiter than snow mantra - truthfully and honestly.😠

The moment I heard some id!ots like these boasting of how many ‘followers’ they have and they’ll use it to destroy this person or the next, that’s when I know that these charlatans I was thinking I was going to be safe going into battle alongside with are nothing but selfish and self-centred hungry power monger demons with abnormal and malicious thirst for fame, power, position, money, and limelight.

Fortunately for them, they found an alibi in Chika Edoziem and co who also have their own well conceived selfish agendas they believe they can all help each other with. A case of scratch my back I scratch your back.

If someone is reported to me for being a thief, I will investigate and look into the ‘thievery’, only the ‘thievery.’ It’s not my business if the person is a prostitute, an alcoholic or anything else. It’s called integrity, value, focus and class.

The day cometh when the recruiter(s) of these disgraceful media worms will not be able to meet up with the demands of their increasing thirst for money, power, fame, limelight, stupidity, and selfishness. That day, they all shall turn on the recruiter(s) and Kama shall stamp her signature boldly!

IPOB Media Warriors are over 20million. More than 20 million volunteers in media. That’s is why BBC World Service, CNN and the rest fear us.

©️Ikechukwu Biafra …🖋

®️I am a realist!


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