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  • Ikechukwu Biafra - 02/07/23

The  Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) Head of Finance (HOF), Lady Nnennaya Anya, led the IPOB finance team to an informative and thought provoking revelation on a much awaited broadcast on Biafra Alpha-Power Media International last night, 1st July 2023.

During her broadcast, the longest serving and highest ranking member of the IPOB Directorate of State revealed that some members of cabals operating a parallel government inside IPOB have been stealing funds in multiple bank accounts of IPOB in various countries through fraudulent means and have also been engineering the closure of multiple IPOB bank accounts in several countries while opening fake accounts that is not approved by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the finance team she heads.

“They stole money from accounts in Germany, United Kingdom, South Africa, Italy, Canada, USA, and the rest. They shall account for it”. ~ Nnennaya Anya

One Mr Chika Edoziem who resides in Switzerland and Chinasa Nworu, a fugitive, jointly spearhead a cabal inside the DOS. Chika was the Head of Directorate of State for IPOB before Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped in Kenya and illegally smuggled into Nigeria by the Nigerian government in June 2021. The forming of this cabal that have hijacked some major sectors of IPOB and their numerous fraudulent and sabotaging activities had confirmed the suspicions of many inside and outside IPOB that these group of individuals have hand and contributed actively to what happened to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in Kenya and his present situation in the dungeon of the Department of State Security Service (DSS) in Abuja.

“They are opening fake accounts in Germany, Italy, South Africa, and other places saying that I know about it. I don’t know about it.” - Nnennaya Anya

The IPOB HOF went on to explained how the Chika Edoziem headed cabals are trying so hard to hijack IPOB finance sector after hijacking the media and other important sectors in IPOB. She pointed out that the cabals are opening numerous unapproved account in different countries that IPOB is domicile and they continuously ask IPOB members and Biafrans worldwide to pay money into these accounts, deceiving them by lying that she and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu knows about the accounts and have approved it. An action she blatantly described as “lies, malicious, and fraudulent”.

She however advised the perpetrators of this criminal actions to stop immediately, and warned that they shall all “account for it at the appropriate time”.

The easy-going IPOB finance head and member of DOS narrated how she and Ikechukwu Onuoha, her regular host on Radio Biafra and a fellow member of DOS, was shockingly removed from Radio Biafra by this cabal and mass media attack ordered against her person and office over the past two years. These actions she believed was done to intimidate and put fear into her in order to stop her from properly coordinating the finance sector, and doing her job in-line with IPOB code of conduct and as ordered by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide. In her public respond to the cabals on this, Madam Anya sounded unfettered when she emphatically sounded out that “they have failed. I am unshakable and I won’t stop talking”. She echoed on live video broadcast on Biafra Alpha-Power Media International. “The finance Team is still intact and we go no where”, she added confidently.

Nnennaya Anya, one of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s most reliable and trusted member of the IPOB Directorate of State made a heart breaking revelation that that cabals led by Chika Edoziem and Chinasa Nworu are attacking IPOB finance to hijack it, stealing and diverting IPOB funds into newly opened fraudulent bank accounts across the world to siphon money, strangulate and cut off any financial support required to get Mazi Nnamdi Kanu out of DSS dungeon because they don’t want him out and they never truly want Biafra restored.

The cabals who are secretly fighting Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and fighting to hijack IPOB are made up the likes of Mr Chika Paul Edoziem in Switzerland, Mr Chinasa Nworu a fugitive and wonderer who previously resides in Kuwait, Mr Austin Agbanyim in Switzerland, Mr Austin Chukwudi Oforma in Australia who was the Head of Media, Mr Anthony Ogechukwu Nzurumike was the deputy HOD and resides in Germany, Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor, the sacked former lawyer to MNK. Others are: one irrelevant Mr Isaiah Ubah in Ireland, Ukachi-Louis and Donald Azubuike, two fake doctors who resides in UK and USA respectively, Benjamin Madubugo in Nigeria, Carol Munday in UK and others.

Information at hand had confirmed that these above mentioned individuals and others had formed and fronted new group/organisation with the name ‘Biafra Community’, and still hiding under Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB to deceive the people and steal funds. Obviously, they are no longer under the command of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and they do not take orders from him anymore, nor follows his orders and IPOB laid down rules, regulations, and code of conduct.

Madam Anya in her closing remarks encouraged every IPOB members worldwide and Biafrans at large not to give up and to always ask the right question and make sure their efforts and donations are channelled to the right place. She advices not to wait until Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is out before contributing in whatever way they could, as taking such decision is same as not wanting Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to be released.

The IPOB HOF was accompanied by Mazi Nelson Yagazie, one of the member of the IPOB finance team. Mazi Nelson admonished Biafrans worldwide not to fall cheaply into the hands of blackmailers, liars, and fraudster who are only in IPOB for selfish interest. He referred to the situation IPOB found itself between 2015 to 2017 when Mazi Nnamdi was arrested and kept in prison by the DSS then as a case study, and asked Biafrans to draw strength from how IPOB fought and overcame the challenges then.

©️Ikechukwu Biafra …✍🏼

®️I am a realist || 02/07/23

©️Biafra Alpha-Power Media International  || 2023

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