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The Enemy At The Gate: Collins Chinedu - The Willing Tool Of The Evil Cabals

The Enemy At The Gate: Collins Chinedu - The Willing Tool Of The Evil Cabals

• Ikechukwu Biafra   ||   24/01/23

We look across the coast and beyond the mountains, from whence cometh our enemies?

We have kept vigil and conducted security checks. We sent spies and messengers into the camps of the enemies. We took oath of allegiance voluntarily and call ourselves family. We fight a common enemy together and followed one command willingly. Chain of Command is our moving train, Code of Conduct is our Bible, Command and Control is our extraordinary principles. These trio, as simple as it may look, are our ‘almighty formula ’ and the solid foundation this noble movement is built upon. We are the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)! We have come to restore Biafra!


We look across the coast and beyond the mountains, from whence cometh our enemies?

Little did we know that the enemies we are expecting from far and beyond are already within us. They speak the same language we speak and eat from the same plate with us. We call them “NwaChineke” and they respond “We Move!” We confide in them and entrusted them with our weapons of defence. Thorough, we could only see their faces and their skins, we never saw their heart and spirit. The enemies we prepared for their arrival have been within us for ages, infiltrating and fighting us even in our sleep. They mount our gates. They are at the gates.

We look across the coast and beyond the mountains, from whence cometh our enemies?

Chika Edoziem and the saboteur cabals inside IPOB Directorate of State (DOS) formed and groomed an army of rebellion under the nose of the free minded Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), and prepared them ready for a day like this. Their evil plan for years is to get rid of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and topple him so as to cash out and put an end to this noble movement he founded and have the divine mandate to accomplish it aim which is the total restoration of Biafra. The kingdom of heaven on earth.

That evil plan have they not only kick-started already, but are in a rush to round-up. One of the willing tool amongst their recruited rebellious army is Collins Chinedu, the expelled former IPOB Germany National Coordinator, who is still fraudulently and illegally parading himself to the members of the public as what the IPOB Germany National Coordinator.

Collins Chinedu, a willing tool of the evil cabal. An enemy at the gate.

Mr Collins Chinedu is one of the long recruited foot-soldier of Chika Edoziem (HOD) and the cabal which is made of criminals like Tony Nzurumike (DepHOD), Austin Agbanyim (European Rep), Chinasa Nwøru (MiddleEast Rep), Austin Oformah (Head of Media) and others. This impostor, Collins Chinedu, who resides in Germany is the first person Mazi Nnamdi Kanu openly announced his removal from office from inside the DSS dungeon where he is currently in captivity. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu had to instruct his special counsel, Barrister Aloy Ejimako, to make the decision public and prompt Chika Edoziem to publish a Memo in effect of that. This was after Chika Edoziem had in several occasions refused to carry out Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s instructions and orders delivered to him in privacy.

Even at that, Chika Edoziem with the backing of other cabal members refused to carry out this instruction. Instead, he went on to release a counter Memo, expelling the newly appointed IPOB Germany National Coordinator appointed by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, in an act of insorbodinatbon and open confrontation with his leader in a battle of supremacy over the control of IPOB. Chika called on all his recruited willing tools like Collins Chinedu to join him and stage an open war against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and and Biafrans.

We look across the coast and beyond the mountains, from where cometh our enemies?

Collins Chinedu, a willing tool of the evil cabals, in a bid to impress his pay masters, made himself the first of their lieutenant to openly counter Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s order and confronts him in one of the most daring way in the history of IPOB. The audacity of this little lizard who thinks he is old enough to become a crocodile signing an illegal Memo with the official IPOB letter heading even when he knew he has been removed from office is outrageous, and unpardonable.

We look across the coast and beyond the mountains, from whence cometh our enemies?

The enemies are at the gate!

©️Ikechukwu Biafra …✍🏼

®️I am a realist [24/01/2023]


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