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TRIAL ON THE MOUNTAIN: A Short Satire By Ikechukwu Biafra [27/08/22]


Ikechukwu Biafra [27/08/22]

Wasn’t it divinely programmed for Moses to go to the mountain at the appointed time? Unavoidable the time cometh and the anointed Prophet had to obey the call. Bravery!

Otherwise, Aaron’s weakness and betrayal of the ‘Formula Code’ wouldn’t have been exposed. Lesson#101

He, Aaron, was supposed to hold firmly and ’Dozie’ things progressively and accordingly as written in the ‘Formula Code’ passed to him.

But he connived with moles to destructively ‘Chisala’ everything into childish playground of shame. Disheartening!

Filthy disobedience coated with greed, egoism, corruption, in ‘Nzamaristic’ trading of the people’s golden ornaments even in the middle of dark-nowhere. Shameful!

Stagnant in frustration, trust-less, and hopelessness, the people moulded for themselves a golden calf in the land of ‘Fin’, and they ‘auto’-looked up to it.

Because nature abhors vacuum. A vacuum even him the greedy ‘Dozieless’ Aaron-like is forcing himself to occupy in a fruitless effort of doom and destruction. Irony!

Worry ye! Thou inhabitants of the promised land!

Worry ye! Even the wise and the foolish amongst ye!

Be in sober and pray thou strength out that Moses don’t smash the pair of ‘Constitutional Commandments’ of the new land he went to bring on the ‘Mountain of trial’ and break em in anger. Lamentation!

Because thou hath shown ye deserveth not this unique gift from the ‘Supreme.’


A message, a satire!

©️Ikechukwu Biafra …🖋

®️I am a Realist 🔍

NOTE: Every name, word, phase used in this write up are fictions used in passing an important message(s). This write up does not in anyhow explain whatever book or story it may be likened to, neither does the writer projecting the same/similar ending, whatsoever.

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